Several Easy Babyshower Game Ideas

Written by Mr.Jongruk on 3:19 AM

By Tim Bock

Babyshower games ideas are very easy to find. Some game ideas are the traditional ones that everyone knows and loves. Other ideas are new and unique. Having a nice mixture of traditional and new games can help keep a baby shower lively.

Traditional baby shower games are the type of game that everyone will know how to play. There is little need for explanation. Traditional games include the following: The Tray Game- Several baby items are placed on a tray. The tray is passed around the room so everyone can look at it. It is then covered up or taken out of the room. Guests have to try to remember what was on the tray. The person who remembers the most items wins. How Big is Mom�s Belly- This game involves guests taking a length of string that they think represents how big around Mom is. After everyone cuts their string they have to put it around Mom. The person whose string is the closest to fitting around Mom�s belly wins.

New games are popping up all the time. These games are often meant to be funny. When using new games there will have to be explanation so everyone understands the rules of the game. The following are some examples of new games: Smell the Diaper- This game involves placing melted or crushed candy inside diapers. Guests then get to look and smell each diaper to try to guess what candy it is. The person who guesses the most wins.Draw the Baby- Each guest is given a paper plate. They write their name on one side and then must draw a bay on the other while holding the plate on top of their head. The plates are then judged by the mother-to-be.

Using a mixture of both traditional and new games has many advantages. The babyshower games ideas here will give a hostess a lot of ideas on games she can use at the party. These babyshower games ideas will give the party a boost and everyone is sure to have a great time.

For more information concerning baby showers please visit The Baby Shower Zone - a website that specializes in fun baby shower games

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