Some Common Things Can Cause A Diaper Rash
Written by Mr.Jongruk on 3:01 AMBy Gerald H
A rash on a baby is extremely uncomfortable. I know we can't remember having a rash as a child but we can remember a mosquito bite along with the itching and scratching. This is the same as a rash. But as adults we can put medication on a mosquito bite to ease the dilemma. A baby can't tell you they have a rash. The only way they can tell you are by a constant cry.
There are so many rashes that can occur, which one could affect your baby. One well-known rash is eczema. This rash makes the skin scaly with a reddish color. Eczema can appear on many parts of the body. The most common areas are elbow, knees and the cheek area. You may think this is just dry skin and the simplest solution to apply is lotion. If the flaky skin continues for a few days, this is probably a rash. There are many creams and lotions on the market. Check with your pediatrician before buying any products over the counter. The over the counter remedy may cause more harm than good. Many infants can't handle the chemicals in some products. A simple phone call to the pediatrician may handle the situation. I would prefer the doctor see the baby in person just in case another type of prescription medicine would help.
It is hard to tell what an infant is allergic to. Allergies are usually diagnosed at a later age. The diaper you are using may be the culprit for the rash. It is always good to do a background check on diapers before using them. Cloth diapers can cause severe rashes if they are not cleaned. No matter what type of diaper you use, make sure it is not tight on the baby. The bundled areas around the leg have to be semi-loose. I know you don't want seepage occur but I would rather clean up a mess than have a rash on the precious cargo. Many parents still believe in cloth diapers. If you are still using them be sure to use a non-allergic detergent. The detergent you use may not be right for your baby cloths. There are detergents to use only for young infants. Avoid using fabric softeners on diapers. Another reason a rash may occur is the type of wipe you may use. Be sure to read the make up of the wipe. The ingredients may be harsh to your baby's skin. Change diapers often. Having a diaper on too long can cause a severe rash. After the change let your baby's bottom dry before putting on another diaper.
A rash usually lasts for a few days. If it persists contact your doctor.
I recently launched Precious Baby Shower Favors. But I have worked with baby showers since 2000. My company is located in Charlotte NC and is dedicated to offering affordable favors for your special baby shower party.
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