A Day in a Life of a Baby
Written by Mr.Jongruk on 3:01 AMBy Terry Ross
Don�t you wish you were a baby again? Unlike most babies and young children I have no desire to grow up, being a baby is just brilliant.
What a start to the day, no worries about getting tired at work as a baby I can wake up early safe in the knowledge that I can sleep whenever I like and scream the place down. Generally a screaming baby gets a brilliant reaction, attention from all directions with everyone happy to do anything if it will just shut me, the screaming baby, up.
Well that the lungs exercised and the belly full and for me, a baby boy the extra satisfaction of getting a good eyeful, excellent training for a few years time!
With breakfast over its time to play with baby toys. Don�t you just love it when daddy gets really excited over baby toys? Of course he should have grown up long ago but who�s to argue if he wants to make a complete ass of himself just for his adorable baby�s amusement.
Oops, dirty baby diaper, no worries mummy or daddy will fix it pretty quick. Wait for it, that�s the diaper taken off so lets start the fountain, it�s good for a laugh. A baby always comes out on top adults have a lot to learn when it comes to changing baby diapers.
Oh well, morning fun over, just enough time for a quick nap before mid morning snack. On second thoughts let�s go for the �rocking baby to sleep� approach, I�m sure someone will oblige if I scream loud enough.
Looks like we�re off out somewhere, no worries I�ll just sleep through the boring bits and I�m bound to see something interesting. Baby strollers are brilliant, really comfortable with great designs for the fashion conscious baby.
I�m not too keen on the car seat with wings, not really built with baby curiosity in mind. No worries I�ll just cry a few times until they understand that I need a new one. A few extra dirty baby diapers and a couple of bouts of throwing up might help.
Baby socialisation is pretty good no one worries about throwing baby girls and baby boys together so you can ogle all you like.
Evenings are brilliant, daddy�s home and happy to play for hours, them there�s the evening feed, bath time (not too keen on the hair washing bit though), the pretty lights on the nursery ceiling and then daddy reads from one of my baby books. A brilliant end to a brilliant day who wants to work!
For more on babies visit 1st-4-baby.com
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