37 Weeks Pregnant - Surviving Pregnancy

Written by Mr.Jongruk on 3:27 AM

By Alien

37 Weeks Pregnant

37 weeks pregnant and you're almost to your due date. In most cases you've reached the point that if labor does begin, it won't be stopped. Let's take a closer look at what is going on with you and your baby at 37 weeks pregnant.

By 37 weeks pregnant your baby weighs approximately 6 - 6.5 pounds and is around 21 inches long. Your baby is continuing to gain weight, generally around 1 ounce per day.

At this stage of pregnancy your baby may now have a full head of hair that has grown to around an inch long. If your baby is born without hair, don't worry, there is nothing wrong. Some babies simply just don't have hair at birth.

The position of your baby changes at 37 weeks pregnant. You will notice that your baby is now dropping down from your tummy to your pelvis. This is another sign that labor is just around the corner.


At 37 weeks pregnant the average woman has gained an extra 20 - 30 pounds, most in her belly. The good news though is that at this stage of pregnancy your weight gain is over. Don't be surprised if you even lose a pound or two before delivery.

Most likely, you've also noticed that your uterus has stopped growing. Again, at 37 weeks pregnant this is normal. It should measure around 6 inches from your navel, and will remain there until you give birth.

By this time in your pregnancy I'm sure you are anxiously counting the days left until your due date. Remember to keep in mind that you could go earlier or later than your actual due date. Be sure that daddy is ready.

Well, you've made it to 37 weeks pregnant and the blessed day is nearly here. Keep trying to get some rest and take care of yourself. The excitement of the future is almost here.

Alien writes for pregnancy symptoms . He also writes for weight loss diet and herbal cure

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